class: title-slide, center, middle # GIS in Archaeology ## 02 - Working with QGIS ### Martin Hinz #### Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften, Universität Bern 02/10/24 .footnote[ .right[ .tiny[ based on [Datapolitan-Training/qgis-training]( You can download a [pdf of this presentation]( ] ] ] --- <!-- opening shapefile --> #Let's Get Started 1. [Click this link]( and download the file to your desktop 2. Unzip the file 3. [Click this link]( and download the other file also to your desktop 3. Open QGIS ![](images/qgis_launch.png) --- ## Layers ![img-full](data:image/png;base64,#images/map1.png) #### Image Source: --- # Layer Ordering -- + Layers on top are drawn on top -- + Just drag and drop within the Layers Panel to change order -- + Try it now --- ## Shapefiles -- + Basic file for storing map elements -- + Stores spatial data, like points, lines, and polygons -- + Multiple files comprise a "shapefile" -- ![img-center-80](data:image/png;base64,#images/file_struct1.png) --- ## Shapefiles ![img-center-80](data:image/png;base64,#images/file_struct1.png) -- + .shp—The main file that stores the feature geometry -- + .dbf—The dBASE table that stores the attribute information of features --- ## Shapefiles ![img-center-80](data:image/png;base64,#images/file_struct1.png) + .prj—The file that stores the coordinate system information -- + .shx—The index file that stores the index of the feature geometry --- ## You might also see -- + .cpg—Identifies the character set to be used -- + .sbn and .sbx—The files that store the spatial index of the features --- ## Shapefiles + Have a few limitations -- + One geometry type (Point, Line, Polygon) per shapefile -- + So sometimes you end up with this: ![img](data:image/png;base64,#images/file_struct2.png) --- ## Overview of GeoPackage .pull-left[ * What is GeoPackage? * A data format for geographic information systems (GIS). * Platform-independent, open, and standards-based. * Uses an SQLite database to store both raster and vector data. * Key Features: * Single file for easy data sharing and use. * Efficient, especially for mobile and offline environments. * Supports extensions for flexibility (OGC-approved and custom extensions). * Why Use GeoPackage? * Lightweight and portable. * Facilitates easy data management and spatial queries. ] .pull-right[ ![img](data:image/png;base64,#images/geopkg.png) ] --- ## GeoPackage vs. Shapefiles 1. **File Structure:** - **GeoPackage:** Single file (SQLite-based). - **Shapefile:** Requires multiple files (.shp, .shx, .dbf, etc.). 2. **Data Handling:** - **GeoPackage:** Stores both vector and raster data (multiple geometry type per file possible) - **Shapefile:** Vector data only. 3. **Efficiency:** - **GeoPackage:** Compact, better suited for mobile/offline use. - **Shapefile:** Larger, more fragmented. 4. **Attributes:** - **GeoPackage:** Supports larger field names and Unicode. - **Shapefile:** Limited field length and ASCII-only. --- ## Attribute Table (Right click on layer) ![:width 90%](data:image/png;base64,#images/open_attribute_table.png) --- ## Attribute Table .pull-left[ ### Table View ![img](data:image/png;base64,#images/attribute_table_tableview.png) ] .pull-right[ ### Form View ![img](data:image/png;base64,#images/attribute_table_formview.png) ] --- ## Shapefiles and Attribute Tables -- + Column names can only be letters, numbers, and underscores "_" -- + Column names can only be ten characters long -- ![:width 70%](data:image/png;base64,#images/attribute_table_tableview.png) --- class:center,middle # Let's add another layer --- ## Going out in Bern + [Download the data]( to your desktop + Unzip the file + Open in QGIS ![:width 70%](data:image/png;base64,#images/going_out_in_bern_1.png) --- ## Going out in Bern ![:width 90%](data:image/png;base64,#images/going_out_in_bern_2.png) --- # Filter and Query + We can filter the points based on the values in the attribute table --- # Filter and Query + Right-click on the layer and select "Filter" to open the Query Builder ![:width 75%](data:image/png;base64,#images/filter1.png) --- # Filter and Query ![:width 75%](data:image/png;base64,#images/filter2.png) --- # Filter and Query ![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/filter3.png) -- ![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/filter4.png) --- # Filter and Query ![:width 75%](data:image/png;base64,#images/filter5.png) --- # Filter and Query ![:width 75%](data:image/png;base64,#images/filter6.png) --- class:center,middle # We can also filter by multiple conditions --- # Filter and Query - Multiple Conditions ![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/filter7.png) -- ![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/filter8.png) --- # Filter and Query - Multiple Conditions ![:width 75%](data:image/png;base64,#images/filter9.png) --- # Zoom to Layer ![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/zoom_to_layer1.png) -- ![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/zoom_to_layer2.png) --- # Zoom Selection -- + Select the zoom on the toolbar ![img-right-30](data:image/png;base64,#images/zoom_box.png) -- + Draw a box around the area you want to zoom into -- + Click the icon to return to the previous map extent ![img-right-30](data:image/png;base64,#images/extent_box.png) --- # Pan Map + Select the hand tool to pan around the map ![img-center-30](data:image/png;base64,#images/hand.png) --- # Exporting Data ![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/export1.png) -- ![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/export2.png) --- # Your Turn + Filter according to your own criteria + Try and find something interesting + Change the style of the point, either to a different shape, color, or icon + Export your selection as a new shapefile --- ## CSV-Files + General (textbased) spreadsheat format -- + simple and robust -- + human readable (kind of) -- ![:width 100%](data:image/png;base64,#images/csv1.png) --- ## CSV-Files + Perfect for data exchange between Spreadsheet (Excel) and GIS ![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/csv1.png)![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/csv2.png) --- ## CSV Import - Bicycle Rental + [Download the data]( to your desktop ![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/csv1.png)![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/csv2.png) --- ## CSV Import - Bicycle Rental Load Text Layer ![:width 75%](data:image/png;base64,#images/csv_import1.png) --- ## CSV Import - Bicycle Rental Set coordinate columns ![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/csv_import2.png) --- ## CSV Import - Bicycle Rental Set coordinate columns and Coordinate Reference System <- We will explain this in a bit! You can also access more detailed Coordinate Reference settings. ![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/csv_import3.png)![:width 50%](data:image/png;base64,#images/csv_import4.png) --- class:center,middle # So what is a Coordinate Reference System? --- # Projections -- + No one's favorite part of GIS -- + But a necessary part of it nonetheless -- + Convert points on the 3-dimensional Earth (**latitude** and **longitude**) to x and y coordinates on a 2-dimensional map -- ![img-center-85](data:image/png;base64,#images/projections-orange.jpg) [Digital Coast Geozone]( --- # Projections + Every projection distorts some part of your map ![:width 40%](data:image/png;base64,#images/projections-faces.png) [FlowingData]( --- # Mercator Projections -- + A common map projection -- + Makes geometries near poles look bigger than geometries near the equator -- ![:width 40%](data:image/png;base64,#images/mercator.gif) --- # Projections Matter -- + These circles are all the same size on the globe: ![:width 45%](data:image/png;base64,#images/projections-tissot-mercator.png) [Progonos]( + Conformal map projection (Winkeltreu) --- # Projections Matter + As are these: ![img-center-60](data:image/png;base64,#images/projections-tissot-mollweide.png) [Progonos]( + Equal-area projection (Flächentreu) --- # Projections Matter + And these: ![:width 45%](data:image/png;base64,#images/projections-tissot-oblique-mercator.png) [Progonos]( --- # Projections Matter ![:width 80%](data:image/png;base64,#images/projections.png) --- # Projections + For the most part we will work in **WGS 84** (latitude and longitude) -- + In Switzerland, we use a more accurate projection **CHTRS95: Swiss Terrestrial Reference System 1995** that is identical with the european system **ETRS89**. + You might also find 'Schweizer Landeskoordinaten' (CH1903) or Landesvermessung 1903 (LV03) ![:width 40%](data:image/png;base64,#images/image.STP_BezugsrahmenLV95.png) ###### Source: --- # Projections + Identified by unique IDs (**EPSG**) that make it easier to talk about them + EPSG: European Petroleum Survey Group Geodesy (it was introduced, because Oil companies were annoyed by the incredible number of different systems) -- + WGS 84 is referred to as **EPSG:4326** -- + Google Maps and other online sources often uses WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator (**EPSG:3857**) -- + CHTRS95 is referred to as **EPSG:2056** -- ## Remember these three and you should be set --- class:center,middle # Back to Adding CSV Data --- # Adding CSV Data ![:width 40%](data:image/png;base64,#images/add_csv6_box.png) --- ## CSV Import - Bicycle Rental Bicycles added. ![:width 75%](data:image/png;base64,#images/csv_import5.png) --- # What We've Covered -- + Adding, styling, and labeling data in QGIS -- + Projections -- + Querying features --- # Homework + Add the files you can download from the homework page to QGIS (note: the projection epsg is in the filename) + background_4326.tif + cities_2056.csv + lakes_3857.gpkg + Style as you like + Send me a screenshot --- class: inverse, middle, center # Any questions? ![:width 20%](data:image/png;base64,#images/agony_island.png) .caption[Source:] .footnote[ .right[ .tiny[ You might find the course material (including the presentations) at You can see the rendered presentations at You can contact me at <a href=""></a> ] ] ]