
date title topics homework homework_date
20.09.23 Introduction Overview , Organisation , Software to be used
27.09.23 Your Computer as research tool Basic Scientific Software , Online Ressources , Digital Data , Spreadsheets and Databases , Reference management tools (Zotero) Create a literature collection in Zotero with 5 entries and a word processing document in which these 5 literature references are cited. 03.10.23
04.10.23 Data Bases I What is a Database, ER-Model , Normalisation Create a basic schema of a database for your project 10.10.23
11.10.23 Data Bases II Example Archaeological Database, Tables , Relationships , Forms , Data Entry , Queries Implement your database 17.10.23
18.10.23 Visualisation I General Charts, Pie Charts , Bar Charts , Scatterplots , Box Plots , Histogram , Kernel Plots Q&A
25.10.23 Visualisation II Seriation , Correspondence Analysis Create 1. two diagrams and 2. a seriation / correspondence analysis of your data. 31.10.23
01.11.23 Basic Statistics Overview , Sample & Population , Scales of Measurement, Hypothesis testing , χ2-test Perform a χ2-test with your data 07.11.23
08.11.23 GIS I Overview , Coordinate Systems and Projection, Georeferencing , Digitising Digitise the map of your site 14.11.23
15.11.23 GIS II Simple Mapping, Heatmap , Thematic map , Exporting maps Create an appropriate thematic map for your project 21.11.23
22.11.23 14C Calibration I 14C Basics , Calibration Background, OxCal , Simple Calibration Calibrate the 14C data for your project in a meaningful way. 28.11.23
29.11.23 14C Calibration II OxCal Combine , Sequential Calibration Q&A
06.12.23 No Meeting
13.12.23 Project Presentations Presentation of the Students Projects
20.12.23 Digital Documentation/Survey