18.09.24 |
Introduction |
Overview, Types of Maps, Spatial Data, GIS Basics, First Simple Map |
- Style the polygons however you’d like
- Change the outline color or add a pattern
- Style the labels
- Change the font, the font size, or other attributes
- Send me a screenshot
01.10.24 |
25.09.24 |
*no class* |
02.10.24 |
Working with QGIS |
Layer Control, Data Formats, Filter and Query, Zoom and Pan, Export, Projections |
- Add the files you can download from the homework page to QGIS (note: the projection epsg is in the filename)
- background_4326.tif
- cities_2056.csv
- lakes_3857.gpkg
- Style as you like
- Send me a screenshot
08.10.24 |
09.10.24 |
Making Maps |
Selection, Styling, Basemaps, Print Composer |
- Filter for service requests in your borough
- Try and find something interesting
- Change the style of the point, either to a different shape, color, or icon
- Export your selection as a new shapefile
- Get a background map
- Make a decent Map
- Send me an exported map (png or pdf) and the exported shapefile (all the files that make up the shapefile)
16.10.24 |
16.10.24 |
Georeferencing |
Georeferencing, Digitising |
- Select an arbitrary map from archaeological literature (individual burial ground to europe wide mapping).
- Digitise the information (point or polygon)
- Send me the resulting shapefile/geopackage and the (georeferenced) original map.
23.10.24 |
23.10.24 |
Handling Spatial Data |
Manipulation of Vector Data, Extraction from Raster, Thematic Map |
- Get the north and the south part of the Kanton of Bern
- Unite them to get a map of the whole Kanton
- Get the Location of archaeological sites of the Kanton of Bern
- Count the number of sites in each ‘Amtsbezirk’
- Make a Map showing the number of sites color coded
- Send me the map
30.10.24 |
30.10.24 |
Densities |
Reprojection, Heatmap, Point Pattern Analysis |
- Select a arbitray point layer (the more archaeological the better)
- Make a heatmap
- Conduct a Nearest Neighbor Analysis
- Send me the shapefile of the points, a map of the resulting heatmap and the result of the Nearest Neighbor Analysis
13.11.24 |
06.11.24 |
*no class* |
13.11.24 |
Interpolation |
Interpolation Basics, Gridding, Thiessen Polygons, Nearest Neighbor Interpolation, TIN, IDW, Contours |
- Get the archaeological sites of the Kanton bern with elevation (field: altitude1)
- try out different interpolation algorithms
- Which algorithm gives the best result for interpolation of elevation?
- Send me your assessement and the best result via email (martin.hinz@iaw.unibe.ch) as screenshot or exported map
20.11.24 |
20.11.24 |
Making nicer Maps |
Basemap advanced, Basemap from Scratch, Hillshading, Overview Map |
No Homework |
27.11.24 |
Terrain Data |
DEM Basics, Raster Manipulation, Slope, Aspect, TPI, Landforms, Terrain Analysis |
- Get the SRTM data from Ireland
- calculate the TPI
- send me a screen shot
04.12.24 |
04.12.24 |
Least Cost Path Analysis |
LCP Basics, Cost functions, Dijkstra, Iso/anistropic, Walking Distance |
- Select two locations of your choice (in Switzerland or the world)
- Calculate the least cost path between them
- Send me a screenshot
11.12.24 |
11.12.24 |
Site Catchment Analysis |
Least Cost Corridors, SCA Background, Data Extraction |
- Select a locations of your choice (in Switzerland or the world)
- Get the DEM from SRTM
- Calculate the 1h Catchment
- Evaluate a parameter of your choice in terms of the percentage of the catchment (slope is probably the easiest…)
- Send me a screenshot
18.12.24 |
18.12.24 |
Visibility Analysis |
Visibility Analysis Basics, Viewshed, Intervisibility, Cumulative Viewshed, Intervisibility Network, Total Viewshed |
- Get a DEM of a location of your choice (tip: make it not too big! And have it in projected coordinate/meter based)
- Make a vector point layer with one position in the landscape
- Make a viewpoint layer from it
- Calculate a viewshed from it
- Send me a screenshot of the result
16.02.25 |