
date title topics homework homework_date
18.02.25 Introduction Basic terms, Literature, Data, Levels of Measurement, Data Collection

Choose one of the following five groups and collect the data about the participants accordingly

Data to collect for the groups

    1. Email, number of the computer in front of you
    1. Gender, Age
    1. laptop yes/no, foot size
    1. actual cash in your purse, height
    1. homecountry, operation system used at home

Collect the data matrix, determine the level of measurement of each variable and send me your data collection via email until weekend.

Make it a group work! organise yourself! No one is an island!

25.02.25 Introduction into R R programming, Data types & structures, Basic calculations, Data import/export, Variables & operations
04.03.25 Explorative Statistics/Graph. Display Plots, Plots, Plots
11.03.25 Descriptive Statistics Data Distribution, Central Tendency, Dispersion Measures, Shape of Distributions
18.03.25 Nonparametric Tests Inductive Statistics, Hypothesis Testing, Nonparametric Tests, Chi-Square Test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
25.03.25 *no class*
01.04.25 Basic Probability Theory Probability Theory, Statistical Tests, Sampling & Population, Combinatorics, Binomial Distribution
08.04.25 Parametric Tests Data Sampling, Parametric vs. Non-Parametric Tests, Normality Testing, t-Test & F-Test, ANOVA
15.04.25 Regression & Correlation Regression Analysis, Correlation, Data Visualization, Statistical Modelling
22.04.25 *no class*
29.04.25 Cluster Analysis Distance Measures, Hierarchical Clustering, Non-Hierarchical Clustering
06.05.25 *no class*
13.05.25 Correspondence Analysis Correspondence Analysis, Multidimensional Data & Data Representation, Data Normalisation
20.05.25 *no class*
27.05.25 Test blood, toil, tears, sweat